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Renewen-Eco K&R Versiune Odoo 14.0

Informatie despre Renewen-Eco K&R instance of Odoo, the Deschide sursa ERP.

Aplicații instalate

All in one Cancel Sale,Purchase,Picking
all in one cancel order| cancel picking | cancel stock | cancel moves | cancel inventory| cancel receive | cancel transfer | cancel accouting | bulk cancel orders | cancel sales orders |cancel purchases orders | cancel invoice | cancel delivery order |cancel invoices
De la oferte la facturi
Facturi & Plăți
Track leads and close opportunities
Pagină web
Enterprise website builder
Gestionați-vă activitățile de stoc și logistică
Comenzi de achiziție, licitații și acorduri
Punct de vânzare
User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
Organizați-vă și planificați-vă proiectele
Vindeți-vă produsele online
Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
Marketing E-mail
Compune, trimite și urmărește emailuri
Allocate time off and follow time off requests
Centralizați informațiile despre angajați
Split Sales Quotation
Split sales quotation
Most Buying Products
Print most buying product xls report top buying product pdf report most purchased product report most sold products top buying products most buying product excel report top buying product report most buying purchase product report top buying products
Most Sold Product Odoo App
print most sold products pdf and xls report most sales product report top sold product category report download top sold product pdf report top selling products sold xls report sales product report sold product report
Database Auto Backup (filestore)
Database auto backup application, includes filestore option.
Login Background And Styles
You can customised login page like add background image or color and change position of login form.
Invoice Format Editor
Invoice Format Editor
Merge transfers
Stock Report
Download report in excel format
New User Approval For Multi Website
Facility to approve or reject new signed-up users for Multi website. Get option to allow users sign-in only after email verification.
Product Volume Calculation
This module will helps you to give dimensions of the product.
Email From Settings: Customize Email From Field
Customize 'from' and 'reply-to' addresses for email messages sent from Odoo
Emate Mass Mailing Theme | Emate Email Template Theme | Email Themes | Email Branding | Book E-mail Templates | Fashion Mail Template | Food E-mail Template | Furniture E-mail Templates | Jewelry Email Templates | Christmas Email Templates
Beautiful Email Themes Email Branding, Professional mail Theme, Mailing Theme, Modern,SAAS, Construction, Creative Mail Template, XMAS E-mail Templates, Stylish Template,Christmas Mail Templates Odoo,New Year, Real Estate
Snippet Advance Settings
Set Custom Snippets, Animation Snippet, Snippet Animation, Custom Snippet Module, Custom Color, Set Different Hover At Snippet, Custom Border In Snippet, Custom Stylish Snippets, Animation On Snippets, snippet settings Odoo
Publicați evenimente, vindeți bilete
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Centralizează-ți agenda
Programați întâlnirile angajaților
Publică postări de blog, anunțuri, știri
Tablouri de bord
Construiți-vă propriile tablouri de bord
Track employee attendance
Organizați-vă munca folosind notițe
Gestionați un forum cu întrebări frecvente și întrebări și răspunsuri
Contracte angajat

Localizări instalate / Diagramele contului

Contabilitate Generală
România - Contabilitate
Romania - Invoice Report
Romania - Invoice Report
Romania - Localization Config
Romania - Localization Install and Config Applications
Statele Unite ale Americii - Contabilitate